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Start by filling out the inquiry form below. You’ll be guided through questions about working with me to determine if I am a good fit for your goals

Thank you for your interest in working together.

I am not taking new clients or managing a waitlist at this time. Please check back here in August 2024 to see when I'lll have openings.

katherine sweetman reroot nutrition alaska

Hello! My name is Katherine

I'm here to help you change your relationship with food.

I'm a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. I work with my clients to untangle contradictory nutrition advice and unrealistic ideas of what healthy eating looks like to improve their health and nutrition without the guilt, shame, and food rules.

Let's get started!

kind words

"Nutrition counseling is lovely. It helps me look at the broader picture of what might be driving food choices and then goes further to look at what I am telling myself about myself regarding those food choices. It has helped me free myself from shame and guilt and isolation around eating.

I learned I can be trusted around food, keep food in my house that I never could before, that it's okay to be known as someone who loves ice cream, that I'm not a bad person because of foods I eat. I learned to love myself, accept myself, and trust myself.

I also learned how to balance food more by following a few simple guidelines, and not following those guidelines when I wanted to, and still being okay. I learned "healthy" is more than a number on a scale, more than the number of calories a day I was eating, more than restricting certain foods, and more than food choices that day. Nutrition counseling also helped me gently filter and toss out more conventional wisdom ideas about eating that were not helpful (harmful, really) and replace it with new information backed by the success of mindful/intuitive eating.

If you are looking for someone with pat answers, someone who preaches calorie counting, who will reinforce restriction, this is not the person for you. If you want someone who will journey with you, be curious with you, celebrate with you, help you understand what intuitive eating is, and challenge your relationship with food (and ultimately yourself) to grow- this is the right place to be.

Katherine was kind, curious, compassionate, funny, knowledgeable, and had a great way of making the space feel comfortable enough to start having honest conversations about food. This led to experiments around eating and being able to report back, reflect on what was helpful/not helpful, and continue to adjust the plan and work together. Scheduling is flexible, the office is cozy and comfortable, and communication is clear and easy."

Reroot Nutrition

2804 W Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99517
(907) 921-1142

Frequently Asked Questions

Reroot Nutrition LLC offers individual nutrition counseling services in person in Anchorage, Alaska and virtually throughout the state of Alaska.
